Good things are happening in Goodyear Park! Work has begun on the labyrinth. You can see the Southeast Georgia Health System Brunswick campus in the distance of this photo. Inside this concrete ring will be installed the permanent labyrinth. Our main partner in this project is the City of Brunswick who has set aside this space for the installation of a beautiful labyrinth. The Brunswick Labyrinth Project is working to get this project completed with our goal set for the end of 2021.
You can help us reach our goal by helping with fundraising. We have a GoFundMe campaign going on right now. You can also send in your donations directly to our partner in fundraising, St. Mark's Episcopal Church with your gift designated for the Brunswick Labyrinth. You can help see this project get completed with your charitable gift. We thank all of those who have donated to the labyrinth and ask you to give financially if you are able.
Written by Luke Orser-Schwalm
